Phalloplasty Surgery | Cosmetic Penile Enhancement | Penis Enlargement | Aesthetic Plastic Surgery | Dr. Stephen X. Giunta | Buffalo | N.Y. | Washington DC | Florida | Alexandria | Virginia | VA | USA
  • Fairytale

    An interesting twist to our story!
    The person who wrote the negative story or should I say fairytale. Suppose to be the office manager of a doctor who also does phalloplasty surgery (using  a method I don’t approve of) and acts as a “Consultant” to talk to prospective patients. This means he tries to talk patients into having surgery and has financial incentive to do this. It doesn’t take much to figure out the motivation here.
    I am going to contact the doctor, since it is his ultimate responsibility for his paid employee, and appeal to have him his sense of medical ethics take down the untrue and libelous information. I hope he realizes the vulnerable position he is in. More later…………….

    Stephen X. Giunta, M.D.

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